Life 6 years ago The Healthy Habits You Need To Adopt ASAP
Don’t worry, this isn’t going to be a blog post telling you about foods you shouldn’t eat and how many days of the week you need to work out.
These tiny habits are things you can start doing easily and as early as tomorrow. There are a few healthy habits that I’ve incorporated into my daily routine that I truly feel make a genuine difference in my overall mood and well-being. I wanted to share them because I know many of you have shown interest in my journaling entries in the past, and I thought these little tips may help you too!
What is a healthy habit that you do daily? Leave a comment below!
Good Morning Quote
Once a week, write down an empowering quote or affirmation on a post-it note and stick it to your mirror. You will see it first thing every morning when you brush your teeth to remind yourself to be positive.
Toss The Scale
If you have fitness goals, I strongly suggest ditching the scale that is gathering dust in your bathroom. I don't know about you, but I pick the most awful times to weigh myself and all it honestly does is make me feel really good or really bad about myself. We should not allow a number to dictate our mood!
I've said it before and I will say it again, journaling can truly do wonders for your daily routine. Making lists, writing down quotes, setting goals or even writing down little tidbits about your day can really put things into perspective.
Create A Vision
What you look at every day can have a deep impact on your psychological well-being and motivate you to work toward goals.
Perfect Passwords
We type them into a keyboard every day, which means we are saying them mentally to ourselves every day. Make your passwords a phrase or combination of words that remind you of your life motto or goal. For example, WorkSmarterNotHarder18 is a great password!
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