Life 6 years ago How To Declutter Your Life
No matter how old I get, I will always refer to the end of August and beginning of September as the start of the school season.
I remember the feeling of excitement of going into a new grade, getting fresh school supplies and a few pieces of clothing to begin the year. It felt like a new start. Now in my mid thirties {and way past any type of schooling – except for French class}, I still like to start the school year with a clean slate. While I may not be be filling my shopping cart with new binders and #2 pencils, I have created my own “back to school” ritual to get me organized. So today, I’m sharing my tips on how to declutter your life before school starts up again.
What do you do to declutter before the fall? Share any tips in the comments below!
So many of us spend the majority of our days at our desk or office space. It’s so important that we start the year organized and decluttered.
Clear It Out
Clear out your desk and get rid of any old papers, mail or to-do lists that are no longer relevant. Throw away pens that don't work. File away any important documents or bills {pay them first obviously}. No loose papers, please!
Clean It Up
Take a good scrubbing to your desk and get rid of any dust or crumbs {yes, I know you probably eat at your desk} that have accumulated over the year.
Set Up For Success
Set up your desk in a way that inspires you and promotes optimum productivity. For some that means keeping a clean and minimalistic desk, for others that may mean surrounding yourself with lots inspiration and mood boards. Here is a glimpse at my desk essentials.
Firstly, isn’t it crazy that digital wasn’t really a ‘thing’ when most of us where younger in school?! We spend so much time on our computers and digital devices {which we know is not the best}, so let’s make sure that the time spent is productive and meaningful.
Back It Up
Before you go on your digital cleaning spree, back up any important documents, projects and images so you don't lose anything!
Give your computer and phone the cleaning it needs by deleting any documents and images that you no longer need. Then empty trash.
Unsubscribe, Unsubscribe, Unsubscribe
Newsletters and email notifications are the number one thing that clog up my inbox. Go through your emails and unsubscribe from anything that you no longer need or no longer interests you. That being said, you should definitely subscribe to the Damsel In Dior newsletter {shameless plug}. While you're on a internet purge, clean out and organize your email inbox {see my method here} and delete any bookmarks that you have that you no longer need. Clear your web cache and you're good to go.
Reset and Reboot
Take the time and install any updates that your devices need that you've been putting off {for probably the past few weeks}. While you're at it, change your passwords - you know you probably should have done it months ago.
It wouldn’t be a Damsel In Dior declutter post without addressing your wardrobe. Here are my tips…
Clear And Clean It Out
Take everything out of your closet and clean the actual closet. Sweep, vacuum, wipe down, throw away broken hangers - you get the gist. By the way, I'm a big supporter of matching hangers.
Get Rid Of It
Make a donation pile for all the summery pieces {and clothes in general} you know you won't wear again. Pitch anything with rips and holes that can't be repaired. Period.
Put It Away
Put away any clothes that are super summery or you know you won't need until your next warm weather vacation, and bring out your fall pieces. If you keep everything in one closet/space, make sure the fall pieces are up front and center. When putting things away, make sure everything is folded neatly and buttoned up so that it's not falling off the hanger. Keep tops together, bottoms, dresses etc. I like to color code things as well.
Take Inventory
Once you are finished dealing with summer clothes and putting things away, go through your fall wardrobe and take inventory. Make a list of closet staples you are missing. Invest in those before hopping on the fall trend bandwagon.
Some maintain a steady skincare and beauty routine year round and some like to switch it up with the season. Regardless, you’ll want to take note of these steps.
Clean It Out
Clean out the spaces where you keep your beauty products - wipe off, dust etc. While you're at it, give your brushes, sponges and beauty tools etc. a good cleaning. You know you've gone way too long between washings.
Throw It Away
Throw away any expired products {yes, products expire}. This article will give you a better sense on when products expire. This seams like a given but, pitch any products that are leaking or where the packaging is broken. Eliminate any potential messes.
Give It Away
Being in the industry I am, I tend to receive a bunch of beauty products - some in the entire range of shades - which is super wasteful. If I've tried it, but don't love it, I'll offer it to a friend or family. If it's unused and I know I'm not going to use it, I make a pile to donate to my local women's shelter.
Take Inventory
Now that your beauty collection is essentially cleaned out. Go through and take note of anything you are missing from your routine. That varies for everyone, but just start with the basics that you use everyday. If you have products that you love and always use, but they are getting empty, order them now, so you don't have to deal with them running out.
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