Family 4 years ago Life Updates {April}
April felt like one of the craziest months we have had in years.
The U.S. {specifically Los Angeles} is re-opening, we traveled to Cabo for my birthday, we purged, we launched a collection and we adjusted our our sails. Phew!
In many ways, April felt like a whirlwind but it also felt like a nice coast. Aside from a gigantic purge we did with our house, all of the other things we have going on in our lives seemed to fall easily into place which was really nice.
The Great Purge
Our moving date is next week, so we spent the entire month of April slowly, but surely, cleaning and purging and organizing. My goal for the new house is to “begin as we mean to go.” There is not a single rubber band, spoon or t-shirt that is coming to our new house that we do not 100% love, use and feel a need for. Our old house was very good at collecting clutter and this was something that was honestly cluttering up my mind. Grant and I are not known to be “hoarders” or people who have a lot of “stuff.” But in this house there just seemed to be so many closets and drawers full of junk! It felt so good to sell, donate and get rid of the things that do not serve us.
My Amazon Collection Dropped!
The Amazon Drop Collection we launched in April exceeded any expectations I had set. I am beyond thrilled with my partnership with Amazon and the reaction from all of you over the collection. I’m dying to do another one! Please leave a comment below on what types of pieces you would like to see me design. We’re in talks with Amazon about renewing our contract {fingers crossed big time!}. They have been one of our greatest clients to date.
Still Writing My Book
My full manuscript is due in August so I’ve been spending a lot of time working on my book. I have to say that it’s been a bit draining, emotionally. You will see when the book releases, but there are a lot of deep, personal stories included that I’m having to revisit. I didn’t realize how emotionally taxing this process would be. But at the same time it is also quite therapeutic.
Yoga, Yoga, Yoga!
Oh man do I love my weekly yoga. Right now I’m taking a private 3 times per week with Joe at Urban 728. They stream classes for *free* so be sure to head over to their website here. As someone who has been “pro-therapy” for my entire life, this practice allows me to really focus on putting the mind, body and soul pieces together as one.
Post-Partum // Infertility
I have mentioned a time or two that I will not carry another baby. We froze embryos back in February 2020 as a back up option. Through the process I was advised by multiple doctors against getting pregnant again. It’s something that I *think* I want to write about eventually. Is that something you guys even want to read about? I’m still kind of coming to terms with it all. I think between the pandemic, Polly dying, June growing as a toddler and just “life” getting in the way… I haven’t had much time to truly process these new feelings. But I’m open to sitting down to write about it if that’s something you are interested in.
You guys, June is honestly THE BEST. We are so obsessed with her and somehow our love grows for her daily. She’s just so much fun to be around too! Grant and I keep saying how much we just love our little pack. June is desperate for playtime, action and activity. I’m currently looking into signing her up for soccer and she’ll start school in July {which is early for her age}. We are so excited!
That’s pretty much all for now. Are you guys liking these monthly check ins? I feel like it’s a nice time to really connect with you all and let you know what’s been going on in our lives.
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