Family 4 years ago Life Updates {February}
You might have noticed that my posting schedule on the blog has felt a little sporadic lately.
That’s not to indicate that this blog is going anywhere. If I’m being honest, I have just been feeling a bit overwhelmed with a lot of things we’re working on behind the scenes. I try my best not to allow a week to go by without offering at least 3 new blog posts, so I apologize for the lack thereof this past week.
Here are a few things I’ve been up to lately.
1. We’re Moving
There, I said it. I haven’t announced this yet on my social media. So, this one is just for you. My tried, tested and true blog readers who I love so much. I will be writing a full blog post about how and why we came to this life choice, but I assure you that we are already feeling so much happier, lighter and optimistic about our future. We will be staying in the Los Angeles area, just moving a bit outside of the chaos of the city life. Our current home and new home are currently in escrow and my superstitious self doesn’t want to share too much more until everything is final. So please stay tuned for more posts and information about that!
2. I’m Launching a Collection
This update is super duper exciting and I’ll be officially announcing my partnership very soon. I can tell you that the company starts with an “A” and you’ll find them on my main menu (ha, dead giveaway!). The clothing collection will consist of really fun pieces that I’ve been working hard to design behind the scenes.
3. We Found June’s PreSchool
June will start preschool in July. I am so excited that we finally found a school that truly feels like home. This has been a major time consumer for me behind the scenes. Between touring, applications, interviews and networking to find the best fit for June, it’s been quite exhausting. Anyone who knows the school systems in Los Angeles knows how competitive and intimidating this process can be.
4. Our Lake House is Under Reno
We are over half way done with the Lake Arrowhead house and I cannot wait to go up and share some updates with you guys. In case you missed it, Grant and I are redesigning and decorating a lake house up in Lake Arrowhead, CA. We will share the home with family but also make it available to rent out – so stay tuned for that too!
5. I’m Writing My Book
I’ve been writing, working, and day dreaming about my book nonstop and it’s been such a rewarding, yet exhausting, process. It’s so sad that I can’t share a lot of what goes on behind the scenes of this big project without giving too much away, but I’ve been spending so much time on this book and happy to report that we’re getting closer and closer to the finish line!
What have you guys been up to? Do you like this little quick life updates? What do you want to hear more about on my blog?
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