Family 6 years ago How To Pick A Baby Name {and not screw it up}
When we first started dreaming up names, I thought it was going to be a piece of cake!
In fact, Grant and I had settled on a few options that we felt very confident in. Unfortunately, over the course of the pregnancy we wavered into a web of confusion and by month 8 we were left feeling a touch overwhelmed. I picked up the popular book, The Baby Name Wizard, and did a ton of research on not only lists of great baby names, but tips and tricks to narrowing down the search.
I also turned to a very dear friend for naming advice. Ashley and I go way, way back. In fact, she was the very first friend I made when moving to Los Angeles and she was a bridesmaid in my wedding! I absolutely adore her and her son Smith {who has the cutest name!}.
Ashley aka The Style Editrix
I always wanted my kids to have less common or traditional names since I always hated having multiple Ashleys in my classes and all growing up. I also didn’t want it to be too weird so that my child would be picked on and I wanted something easy to pronounce and spell. Smith was so traditional as a last name, but so unique as a first name and the only one my husband remotely liked. (He always liked the name Dylan, which I think is cute for a girl, but way too common for a boy). My husband ultimately gave me the sign off for Smith on our babymoon in Europe and I was ecstatic. I still love it so much and think he will grow up loving it too!
At this point, Grant and I have narrowed down our list to 3 names but it wasn’t an easy fete. Here are a few things we did to figure out what we wanted to name our first born girl.
Go With Your Gut
One of the very first names that came out of our mouths is on our top 3 list. I secretly had a running list of names that I was drawn to over the past several years and the majority of the names we loved came from that list.
Write Them Out
Grant and I sat down one night and 'doodled' on a piece of paper all of our favorite names and wrote them down. Seeing the names on paper felt very different and we were able to catch funny initials or spelling mishaps this way.
What You Would Like
I read to choose the name you would like to have yourself. I thought this was a pretty interesting tactic to selecting a name for your daughter.
Ask For Opinions
While I didn't want to blast my names all over social media, I turned to a secret forum where I could post anonymously and took a poll on our names. This was VERY eye opening because I felt defensive over certain names which helped give me answers. It also opened up a safe space to talk to strangers about my baby names that I truly enjoyed getting feedback on.
Have Meaning
I think it's beautiful when people can select a family name that feels right for them. Otherwise a nice to way to pick a name that has meaning to you is to write down what you want to name to represent. For example, I wrote down that I wanted our daughter's name to represent: Strength, confidence, independence and mystic. So when I came across names that did not fit those words, I crossed them off my list.
Use The Name
Grant and I would call the baby by her name for a week and then change to a new name. We would test the names out in sentences, call her room by her name and try to incorporate the name as much as we could in our conversations to get a true feel for what we liked.
Take A Break
I can become super obsessive overthinking and researching one thing. When you really allow some space in your life I feel like the answers will come your direction. Whether it's through a book, a song or some sort of symbol - be on the look out for signs!
Do you have any good baby name recommendations? As we near the finish line, we are still open to suggestions! Leave a comment below.
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