Health 6 years ago What is a Himalayan Salt Lamp & Do You Need One?
You may or may not have seen a trend of Himalayan Salt Lamps popping on on social media these days.
Maybe it’s just the crowd I follow, but I feel like I’ve been seeing these everywhere and finally my best friend Gia sent me one as a gift. I have to admit that at first I was a bit skeptical about why I needed this pink rock in my life. At first I had my Himalayan Salt Lamp in my office and would turn it on as time permitted, but I wasn’t very active in using it.
It wasn’t until last month when I moved my Himalayan Salt Lamp into my bedroom that I witnessed the magic start to unfold.
I plugged my lamp into a smart plug and set a timer for it to turn on every evening during the hours I spend reading and unwinding in bed. I didn’t really notice a difference until a few weeks later when I took the lamp out of the bedroom for our holiday party and moved it back into my office. The days following I had the worst nights rest throughout my entire pregnancy and it honestly wasn’t until I was in tears one night over my lack of sleep that I realized what had changed about my evening routine – it was the salt lamp! I immediately moved it back into my room and, I kid you not, started sleeping better immediately.
Perhaps it was just a mind game, or the placebo effect, whatever it was, I believe that it had something to do with my Himalayan Salt Lamp and honestly… why not believe in something if it contributes to an overall better well being?
Here’s the idea behind how Himalayan Salt Lamps work:
We are surrounded by positive and negative ions which are atoms that are electrically charged. Positive ions comes from cell phones, televisions, plugs… basically anything that contains electronic air pollution. As this exposure increases, it’s been proven in studies that our brain gets bombarded by frequencies that are 20x higher than what is optimal which results in insomnia, depression, allergies and more. Himalayan Salt Lamp are made from salt that is harvested in Pakistan in an area that’s believed to be millions of years old. They are said to be natural ionizers, meaning they alter the electrical charge in the air and naturally produce ions by attracting water particles that evaporate off as a salt solution when heated by the lamp, forming mostly negative ions
Below you will find a few more key benefits to Himalayan Salt Lamps.
Help with Sleep
Because the salt lamps release negative ions into the air, it is believed that they can also encourage a positive atmosphere for sleeping. The dim light also provides a calm energy to the bedroom.
Improve Air Quality
It has been said that salt lamps are beneficial for those struggling with respiratory issues thanks to the halotherapy. Halotherapy is an ancient practice in which people with respiratory conditions are to spend time in salt caves because the salt in the air can help with their breathing.
Boosts Your Mood
Thanks to the calming color, this lamp has been used in color therapy to help treat neurotic disorders. Researchers have found that people with depression issues who were exposed to levels of negative ions reported improvements in their mood.
Do you own a salt lamp? Curious to test one out? I’m interested in hearing your thoughts about this!
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