Life 5 years ago What I Did On Blackout Tuesday
As we honored Black Out Tuesday yesterday, I wanted to share with you all how I used the day to learn more and educate myself.
Yesterdays “Black Out Tuesday” ended up feeling a touch controversial. I honestly understand both sides. I wanted to share what all I took the time for yesterday so my followers/readers don’t feel as though my voice was entirely muted. While I didn’t post to my Instagram account, my efforts to strengthen my knowledge and work as an Anti-Racist were very much at the forefront of my entire day, every hour of the day.
I understand many of my fellow influencers will be muting their voice for the entire week, however I chose to do so for only #BlackOutTuesday.
Please note that this post is in addition to my ongoing effort. I please ask that you offer a bit of compassion for my ignorance. I am simply sharing things as I go along in hopes that it will help someone, anyone, who is seeking resources.
As Instagram has been flooded with incredible articles, clips, shows, books and helpful resources, I took yesterday to not only look after my daughter June, but had ear pods blasting all day in my ears, books in my hands and articles circulating on my screen. It was a great opportunity to filter through all of this information.
I took any extra moment I had in my day to do the following {mind you I have a 16-month-old at home so time wasn’t exactly in my favor!}.
After spending the entire day completing the below list, I received a text from Catt about the Hancock Park protest. It’s my neighboring community and I could not get to my car fast enough. At 5 o’clock I joined the protest in cheering, chanting, yelling and was so incredibly moved by the speeches and passion in the air. I’m looking forward to finding more peaceful protests that I can join in the Los Angeles area.
What To Do When You Are Called Racist by Washington Post
The “Some Of My Best Friends Are Black” Article by New York Times
The “I’m Not Racist” Defense by CNN
6 Questions to Stop Asking Your Black Friends Right Now on Instagram
How To Make Sure You’re Donating Effectively by The Cut
Continued with my book reading “White Fragility”
Listened to this audio book: How to be an Anti-Racist
and signed up for monthly contributions to NAACPLDF
Signed the Reclaim The Block Petition
E-mailed Minneapolis officials regarding George Floyd’s death and then DM’d 100 of my closest friends asking them to do the same.
I e-mailed Mayor Eric Garcetti
I retweeted this.
I worked on my blog posts for the week featuring Black-owned businesses.
Registered for an online workshop called “Raising Race Conscious Children” for June 14
I purchased this book and this book to read to my 16-month-old daughter who loves board books.
A swimsuit from Jade Swim, a Black-owned fashion business.
This LemLem top, LemLem is also a Black-owned fashion business.
This might seem like a lot to some, this might seem like a little to others. This is my experience and just as I always have I will continue to share my real-time experience in life. I’m not looking for any pat on the back or accolades, just sharing links to information I found helpful in hopes that someone else would too. Let us not lose our momentum to affect change.
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