Outfits 10 years ago Trademark
I feel like we all get pretty wrapped up in finding a “signature style” . . .
but what about finding your signature scent? After all, a woman’s perfume is just as important as her handwriting {according to Dior}. When I was sitting in my hotel room last week in New York, I was thinking how much a smell can influence our lives, our mood, our heart and our health. I thought about the smells of Christmas and harvest season back in Texas; I remember the first time I smelled pizza; the smell of the subway, the beach and … and then I thought about my mother’s signature scent. When I closed my eyes, I could smell her and it made me feel a little bit homesick.
Just as I want people to remember the smile on my face after I leave a room, I also want them to think of me when they smell my trademark scent.
This is what the new Tory Burch fragrance moved me to begin thinking about because with every note of grapefruit, mandarin, pink peony, and jasmine sambac, she infuses a bit of nostalgia, too.
StyleStalker Dress {℅} // Featuring Tory Burch Eau de Parfum
Photos by Alexandra Gibbs
Other favorite signature scents:
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