Family 6 years ago My First Trimester: Reveals, Symptoms & More
It’s officially official!
Looking back, it feels like my first trimester flew by with the blink of an eye. The best part was getting the share the exciting news with family & friends. Outside of general nausea, exhaustion and mood swings, I must say I was very lucky in that my first trimester was not too bad.
So long as I was eating {ha!} I didn’t feel sick, so I gained a lot of pounds pretty early on but didn’t “pop” until around week 16 {more to come on that in my second trimester video!}. I did, however, have a very hard time learning to slow down and take breaks. My ADD mind had a very hard time forcing myself to sit in bed and take the necessary rest the baby needed this trimester. I grew frustrated at times because I couldn’t keep up with my usual pace. I hear this is common for first timers as we learn our limits. My mood swings were also all over the place. I would be laughing one minute, crying the next, feeling gloriously happy a few seconds after and then back to moping in bed because my pants didn’t fit.
All in all I look back at my first trimester with a complete smile across my face. We have been gifted an incredible miracle of life and adjusting to my growing belly has been such an amazing and life changing experience so far.
I can tell you one thing: the baby is definitely already in charge!
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