Mental Health 5 years ago My 10 Tips to Working From Home Successfully
I’ve been working from home for over 8 years.
Typically during my work day, I try to plan lunch meetings and little outings to feel less isolated. Needless to say, the circumstances are a lot different now and I feel less comfortable leaving my house. I also know that most of you are very used to having a corporate structure and environment to look forward to each day. As most offices have directed employees to work from home this week due to COVID-19, I thought I’d do a little post on tips for working from home that I’ve learned over the past several years.
Make The Bed
I don't care how big or little your house or apartment is, I find it to be very important to start the day by making the bed. It's a small task that, once completed, sets the tone for you to do another task, and then another...Plus it will be far less inviting for an afternoon nap if the sheets aren't pulled down.
Always Get Dressed
This one is mucho importanto: GET DRESSED. Even if it means changing into yoga pants versus pajama pants. A series of psychological changes occurs when we dress up and you will perform stronger if you are dressed for success.
Establish a Routine
A morning routine is probably the most important routine to have. Have a special place to enjoy your coffee and make a list of tasks for the day.
Amp Up Communication
Not having water cooler talk can definitely make you feel more isolated. Be proactive in scheduling calls and staying in communication with co-workers. Even if you do not necessarily have a project or topic to touch base about, it will help you feel more connected to others. Out of sight, out of mind can turn into a big problem for remote workers. Make sure you are staying at the top of mind for your boss and be extra communicative.
What If Kids Are Home?
Having June around can be exceptionally distracting. Grant and I take 'work shifts' in a different room of the house so we can each designate specific time toward working hours. If you are single, I would rely very heavily on your fellow mom friends and schedule a 1 on 1 play date. Now is also not the time to beat yourself up over throwing the TV on so you can pound through an hour of emails.
Designate A Place
I started my business from my kitchen counter bar stool. It doesn't matter if you don't have a desk or a home office, just work from the same space each day and have it designated as your 'work space.' This way everyone in the house will respect the area that's yours for work.
Don't Just Sit There
Look at the bright side of this whole working from home thing and get MOVING! You can also take those conference calls while doing squats or push through some sit ups between every 5 emails. There are more creative ways you can keep moving throughout the day and I promise it will leave you feeling great!
Great Some Fresh Air
If you are able to do so in a safe way, get outside for some fresh air. Schedule in a daily walk, take a drive, or open up the windows to let in a breeze.
Turn On & Turn Off
It is especially important to have a start time and end time when working from home. This took me many years to finally implement. I would find myself sitting at the laptop until 10 or 11 at night some days. Be sure to set a start time and an end time to your work day. We also do this with watching the news. We have a had 8 o'clock shut off time for all news, work and social media this week.
A 20 minute morning or afternoon work out can really put you in the right working mindset. It can be so easy to fall into a slump at home!
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