Hi, I'm Jacey
The editor of Damsel in Dior. My hope is that this space offers you with the inspiration, tips and tools you need to approach every day never feeling like a damsel in distress, but always like a Damsel in Dior.
“ Hiya!
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HEREThe editor of Damsel in Dior. My hope is that this space offers you with the inspiration, tips and tools you need to approach every day never feeling like a damsel in distress, but always like a Damsel in Dior.
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June is 6 months old and I cannot believe we’ve made it half a year as I’m typing these words.
Everyone told me that time would move incredibly slow and incredibly fast all at once, and boy is it true! When I look at June, I’m amazed by how much she has grown and changed since she was born only a short 6 months ago. Before becoming a mom, there were years that would fly by at the blink of an eye and I never seemed to truly feel any progress. While the past few months has definitely flown, there are a few things that I have really learned about life and myself that I thought I would share in a post.
In a nutshell, I think one of the biggest lessons I can take away from the past 6 months is to laugh things off. Sometimes I can put way too much pressure on our lives and at the end of the day, the small things really aren't that big of a deal. So what if June spits up all over her cute new outfit? Is it really the end of the world? Learning to find the humor in every situation has truly helped us survive.
This one was a hard one for me. Before June, I was always a go go go type of person and she has truly taught me to stop, slow down and that not everything needs to happen quickly.
I'm so sick of feeling guilty or not 'mom' enough for not breastfeeding and perhaps this needs to be a stand alone post. I felt incredibly guilty in the beginning for not being able to breastfeed June but eventually when I let myself off the hook, I was able to focus on being a better mom for her.
And there is no 'perfect' mom. It's important to respect everyone's way of parenting and also not judge others for the way they do it. No one and nothing is or can be perfect.
The most surprising and wonderful thing that's happened for me post-baby is that I have never appreciated my body more. Some days I laugh because pre-baby Jacey would have cringed at the scale and looking at my squishy belly right now but I honestly don't care. It's such a liberating and wonderful thing to love my body and appreciate what it has created.
Saved the best for last and it honestly brings a tear to my eye. I've never loved anything more in my life. June has brought a new type of love into my life and it's the greatest gift I could have ever asked for. She teaches me something new every day, whether it's through a funny laugh or the raise of a brow in curiosity. I'm seeing life all over again in a new way through her eyes and it's so rewarding.
How many mama’s out there have things to share that you’ve learned along the way? Leave a comment below!
The editor of Damsel in Dior. My hope is that this space offers you with the inspiration, tips and tools you need to approach every day never feeling like a damsel in distress, but always like a Damsel in Dior.
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