Old Outfits 12 years ago Lady In Red
It’s been a busy week {which is always good!}. I bopped over to the Harlyn Launch Event where I completely fell in love with the fun prints and bold colors. Get ready to see a lot more Harlyn on the blog! I’m ob-sessed!!! Then we went to Rachel Zoe’s Jockey Must Haves Event where I ran into not only the lovely RZ but my girl crush Jamie King {see sweet snaps below}. Jamie was dressed in head to toe {wait for it} . . . DIOR! All in all it was a great night!
Harlyn Dress {c/o} // Valentino Heels // Céline Clutch {purchased at Dressed} // Old BCBG belt // Albeit “J” Necklace
Catch some sweet snaps from my Instagram below :::
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