Damsel Diaries 9 years ago It's Easy
“We are what we repeatedly do,” says Aristotle.
Today, someone asked me what the hardest habit that I have ever made is and instinctively, my mind went to all of the habits I could not keep. I have tried to eat healthy and exercise daily. I have tried to meditate and put away savings. I have promised myself that I would wake up early and go to bed at a reasonable hour. Sadly when I sat down to think about what habit I have been able to keep, I saw a road within me that is filled with good habits I couldn’t form and bad habits that I couldn’t break. However, as I sat my desk carefully thinking about something that I do each and every day consistently, there was one thing that came to mind: My blog.
Like meditating or avoiding Popeyes, blogging seems to come easy for a lot of people. But for me it has been years of concentrated, consistent and hard work. Sure, there are days when the content comes easy, like when you are sitting poolside in Mexico. Those days take care of themselves. And then there are days when you want to call in sick, but you don’t have a boss. There are days when you think your style is terrible, but you have to throw together 5 looks. There are days when nothing feels right, but you have to pretend that nothing is wrong. Everyone has bad days at work and Damsel in Dior is just that, work. That’s why, come rain, shine, tears or smiles… I produce nearly 10 pieces of original content each and every day of the year. 24/7. For four years.
And while this particular “editorial schedule” I’ve created may not be the healthiest {hell it might not even be the most productive}, it is a habit that I have mastered. It is the habit that I created for myself, 4 years ago, when I created this blog and no one knew it existed. It is the habit that I made for myself that eventually lead to a career. It is the habit that has lead to a successful small business, self confidence and opened the doors to a lifestyle I never dreamed possible.
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