Damsel Diaries 7 years ago Why I'm Not Making Resolutions for 2018 {What I'm doing instead}
Every year it’s the same song and dance. I get my black journal out and jot down a list of 20-25 things that I strive to do in the upcoming new year. The problem with this is that I never know what 2018 will hold. If I look at 2017, it was a year filled with so many ups and downs and many things that were completely out of my control. And here I sit at the end, with a list of resolutions in my hand, many things checked off and others not, I’m left with is disappointment in myself for not completing everything on my list.
Work out at least 3 times a week. Run a half marathon. Organize all of my family photos. Volunteer once per week. Hit 500K on Instagram. Don’t use the saying “I don’t have time.” Reduce wine and pasta nights. Drink more water. Climb Mt. Kilimanjaro. Forgive.
My lists are in-depth, long and very goal oriented and I am extremely hard on myself when I don’t reach a goal. What is the point in setting the same resolutions you’ve been setting for years on end, only to feel disappointed and down on yourself? No joke, I’ve had “Climb Mt. Kilimanjaro” on my list for 3 years in a row!
As I found myself last week, sitting down with my pen and paper, I had a hard reflection on the past year. I thought about my many failures, regrets and moments of sadness. However, the majority of my thoughts were thankful appreciation for the incredible accomplishments that I’ve had this last year without any planning whatsoever. There were a ton of goals that I met that I didn’t necessarily write down at the beginning of the year because I didn’t know that life was going to carry me in that particular direction. So, rather than rushing to make my list of goals I ended up sitting in my desk feeling absolutely present and positive about 2017.
The truth is, everything in my life gets done in the timing in which it is supposed to be done so long as I am being present and fully engaged in my day. The best days of 2017 were those in which I spent “in the zone” doing things I felt 100% about, not forcing something that wasn’t meant to be. Don’t get me wrong, I am a creature of setting resolutions if that is what will help you. But I was finding that beating myself up over the unchecked boxes on my resolutions lists were doing me more harm than good. I do have dreams that live in me, but I don’t need them written down on a piece of paper to hold myself accountable to reach them. I will reach them. I believe this in my heart. So, this year I am setting the goal of making no goals. My resolution is to approach each day with an open mind, body and soul. Here goes nothing!
What is your #1 resolution for 2018?
Cheers to a healthy and happy 2018.
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