Decorum 12 years ago Don't Talk About The Weather
I’m not gonna lie: It’s the end of the year and I am tired. I’m tired of being social. I know it sounds just plain awful, but after 11 months of being “ON” and a month long full of work events, dinner dates, lunch meetings and breakfast brainstorms, I am just about maxed out and need to hit the reset button. But . . . the holidays aren’t over yet and with a few more holiday happenings, I thought I would share a few conversation starters that I’ve found helpful to have in my back pocket from time to time.
Instead of: Where did you go to school?
Ask: What did you do after college? – Did they travel? Jump straight into working? Take a year off? Find out! Ask every, single, detail.
Instead of: What do you do?
Ask: So what are some of your hobbies? – Flying? Painting? Music? You might share a hobby in common or learn more about something you’ve never heard of.
Instead of: Wow, this weather has just been crazy!?
Ask: Have you ever been in a natural disaster? – People love telling personal stories. I’ll flat out ask someone if they’re been in a hurricane. If they say “no” I say “tornado?” “earthquake”? And keep shooting until I score. 9 times out of 10 everyone has experienced at least one type of natural disaster and loves to talk about it.
Instead of: Where are you going for the holidays?
Ask: If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be? – I mean . . . this is just brilliant.
Instead of: This food is incredible!
Ask: What’s your favorite restaurant? – You might just end up with a few good recommendations. You can also ask if they’ve tried your favorite in return and go on to talking about different types of foods, leading into traveling to places in exploring new types of foods.
Instead of: See any good movies lately?
Ask: What’s on your TIVO list? – I was at an event recently where I didn’t know a single person there. I ended up striking up an amazing conversation with the head of J.Crew because we both shared a mutual adoration for Downton Abbey.
Instead of: Are you married?/Single?
Ask: Who was the last person you called? – Let’s be honest. No one, and I mean no one, wants to talk about their relationship status. As a married woman if it’s not “How long have you been married” it’s “When are you having kids” which is just as annoying as “Are you seeing anyone?” {in my opinion}. It’s just not a fun question to be asked {or answer}. So, just skirt around it unless otherwise offered and ask who the last person they called was. I promise this will lead to something interesting.
For more Damsel approved conversations, check out TableTopics Dinner Party Box
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