Day Looks 11 years ago Attraversiamo
There’s a part in the movie Eat, Pray, Love where Julia Roberts reveals what her “word” is.
I’m sure you know the part if you’ve seen the movie. I must say that it is the most perfect of words. Attraversiamo. In italian it means “to cross” or “pass through.” Ever since seeing the movie I have adopted this word as “my word” and I cannot help but to think of the time between Christmas and the New Year as a period of attraversiamo. It’s the best time of year to self reflect and learn from the year prior. It is a time to cross over into the next year, carrying the lessons we’ve learned and making new plans for new beginnings.
For some reason, during my attraversiamo period, I enjoy keeping my outfits simple and neutral to allow colorful thoughts to enter my mind. I’ve partnered with GAP on their campaign to share my favorite looks for the holiday season and this is definitely at the top of my list.
Gap Sweater {℅} // Elin Kling for Marciano Leather Pant {similar pair here} // Chevron Stitch Hat {$20} // Nike Kicks {$85}
Photos by Felicia Lasala
Brought to you by GAP
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