Hi, I'm Jacey
The editor of Damsel in Dior. My hope is that this space offers you with the inspiration, tips and tools you need to approach every day never feeling like a damsel in distress, but always like a Damsel in Dior.
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HEREThe editor of Damsel in Dior. My hope is that this space offers you with the inspiration, tips and tools you need to approach every day never feeling like a damsel in distress, but always like a Damsel in Dior.
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So many people have a shocked reaction when I tell them how much I love running. “Really!?” they will say, “Ugh, I hate running.” A lot of times, my friends and readers will express their wishes to want to be a runner but they share how the struggle gets real with cramps, side stitches and boredom. But I find running to be my favorite place to get out of my head, have alone time and a core element in living a balanced life. In fact, if I run every other day I feel healthier, more fit and my mind is at ease. So why do most people hate running
01. You aren’t in love with it. Firstly, if you are wanting to become a runner, you must read this book: What I Talk About When I Talk About Running. It’s one of my favorite books and Murakami writes about running in such an inspiring and poetic way. I find most people do not think of running to be a sport of passion, however they could not be more wrong.
02. You are running too fast. This is most likely the #1 reason why you hate running. Try downloading the Nike running app and force yourself to stay at an 11 minute pace for 20 minutes. Try this every other day for 2 weeks and see how different running feels.
03. It’s too quiet. Find an amazing playlist that isn’t just composed of upbeat rap songs. A lot of times I will run to classical, country or other mellowed out tunes to keep my heart rate steady.
04. You are not breathing correctly. Try to match your breathing to your steps. In for three and out for three… in, two, three, out, two, three. Running longer distances is all about controlling your breathing and your heart rate which is why it is important to not run faster than you are ready for.
05. You’re over doing it. Sometimes people set out to run more than 2 miles on their first day. Start slow and ease your way in. Try to think of running as a meditation and think about anything other than running while you are doing it.
Do you have a love/hate relationship with running? Have any tips to share?
Photos by Emily Blake
The editor of Damsel in Dior. My hope is that this space offers you with the inspiration, tips and tools you need to approach every day never feeling like a damsel in distress, but always like a Damsel in Dior.
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