Damsel Diaries 7 years ago 30 Things I Am Thankful For
Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays and to help build up excitement this month I have been running a series on my Instagram called “30 days of Good Deeds with Damsel.” I thought it would be fun to not just say how I am thankful for my friends and family this holiday, but make a list of 30 things {for the 30 days of November} that I am thankful for.
1. I am incredibly thankful for the gift of waking up every day to a job that makes me happy and excited to get to work!
2. Polly’s snores {our english bulldog}.
3. A roof over my head, warm meal on the table and electricity to keep my nights lit.
4. Whataburger. Hey. Don’t judge me.
5. The team of people who help me run Damsel in Dior. You know who you are. x
6. The first time you get to light the fireplace in the fall.
7. Meme’s stuffing.
8. My strong health, vision, sight, everything that keeps my body moving and mind shaking.
9. My parents for giving me life {and showing me how to live it to the best of my ability}.
10. Cheese. I mean, can you imagine a life without cheese? I feel bad for people who are lactose.
11. The vintage suitcase which holds my journals that I have kept my entire life.
12. Haleigh. Because I just asked her what else I could write and she is right here by my side at 6pm after working non-stop for 2 weeks straight on holiday content.
13. All of the beautiful gifts that brands/clients send us year-round.
14. My brothers, who have taught me what it means to fight for what you love.
15. My amazing readers and the power they give me to influence.
16. I love waking up every day living a life in Los Angeles, where the sun is {almost} always shining.
17. Chicken fingers. I just flat out love them.
18. Shannon and Gia because no matter how much time has passed, we can have just as much fun {if not more fun} than we did in college.
19. My therapist. {Ha!}.
20. I am thankful for all of the people who fight for our freedom.
21. Polly’s dermatologist who helps treat her crazy skin allergies.
22. Our family cotton farming roots that keeps me grounded.
23. SNL.
24. My favorite authors who, in such an incredibly talented way, can mold an emotion into the written word.
25. A warm bath at the end of a long day.
26. Super thankful that I can find a meditative state in running.
27. Travel. All of the travel I have been blessed with to date and for all of the adventures that lay ahead.
28. My readers, all of you. My critiques, all of you. You all teach me, challenge me and make me laugh.
29. I am thankful for the blogging industry community and how it has shifted to become a very positive space over the past year.
30. Saved the best for last: Grant. I wouldn’t have this blog if it weren’t for him. Always behind the scenes, always supportive, always making me laugh and always my rock no matter what.
What are you most thankful for?
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