Inspiration 10 years ago 5 Secrets to Scandinavian Style
The walls on our house renovation are going up and as we slowly, but surely, start to think about the interior design, there is one particular style that is pulling at my heart strings.
I absolutely love the simplicity and thoughtful charm that goes into Scandinavian Style. After stalking My Scandinavian Home & @ScandinavianHomes for more inspiration along with pinning on my Pinterest page, I think I finally have a handle on what makes this style so special.
Here are 5 Ways to score Scandinavian Style:
1. Light Fixtures
Lighting is a very important factor in the Scandinavian interior design. Scandinavians live many months in darkness, so sunlight and fresh air are appreciated elements of décor. Keep curtains minimal, in pale colors and sheer fabrics. For indoor lighting, use several light sources instead of one. Place floor lamps and table lamps in various parts of the room to add different lighting levels.
2. Floor Plants
I’ve noticed in almost every Scandinavian Home there is at least one {minimal} plant that is either sitting on the floor or on a cabinet.
3. Color {or lack thereof}
The main colors in a Scandinavian design are neutrals: Beige, Grey or White. However, it’s becoming more popular now to add in injections of color, such as grey, black and yellow.
4. Elements of Nature
Decorating walls or including touches of nature, like a branch of wood or wicker basket add a more rustic-look to complete the Scandinavian motif.
5. Get Creative
I love the photo below that has a chair hanging on the wall with a potted cactus. Scandinavian Style is all about being unpredictably easy with style choices. Don’t over think it and don’t forget to keep it simple!
Images borrowed from: 1 // 2 // 3 // 4 // 5 // 6 // 7 // 8 // 9
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