Life 7 years ago 6 Surprising Facts About Southpaws
Personally, I love being a part of the rare club of lefties.
Even though a few kids at school used to pick on me a little bit, now being a part of this unique thing about me that I really treasure. It’s always a surprising “ah ha” moment when you find out that someone you know is also left-handed – as if you are being let in on some secret code that only the two of you understand. But, being lefty really does have some surprising things about it that most people wouldn’t necessarily know.
Lefties Are More Creative
Lefties are more dominated by the right side of the brain which is responsible for a lot of our creative thought.
We Vote for Lefties
No matter which way you swing politically, statistics prove that a high percentage of recent U.S. presidents were left-handed.
Lefties Make Less Money
It’s sad but true: Left-handed individuals statistically make 10% less.
We Will Beat You at Sports
Quite a bit of famous athletes are said to be left-handed. They say it’s due to the fact that lefties get more opportunity to practice against right-handed opponents than vice versa so they have an advantage in sports that involve two opponents.
Lefties Are Scared
According to a research at The British Psychological Society, left-handers tend to be more affected by fear.
We Have Our Own Day
August 13, International National Left Handers Day. Who wants to celebrate?
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