Uncategorized 12 years ago Dear Damsel
When it comes to showing off your personality in an interview outfit I would suggest not to push it. Job interviews are a time to prove that you mean business! Even when entering a more creative/stylish industry such as Marketing & PR, I still would advise against wearing anything too trendy or self expressive. If you want to be taken seriously, then dress seriously. I would suggest wearing tailored black pants with a button up blouse and a sophisticated statement necklace. You could also wear some really hot pointy toe kitten heels {always wear closed toe} or add a belt that has a bow in it {if that’s your style}. If you’re being interviewed by a man, wear a skit that hits the knee. It’s sad, but it works. If you really want to show some personality {hey, I encourage it!} then do so in your accessories.
As seen above: J. Crew Pants // Chunky Link Necklace // Classic White Shirt // Bow Belt // Black Pumps
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